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Daily Archives: March 5th, 2010

There is a growing demand for food as the population grows. But the amount of farms have significantly decreased as well as the outlets and stores that farmers have to sell their food to or at. In day two of quiz camp we tried to figure out solutions to some of these problems and issues.

Raise Awareness: This is at the forefront of our discussion of how to help out the farmers. We chose to use the social media outlets to help raise this awareness.
1. Facebook: Start groups, fan pages, status updates about when and where they are occurring.
2. Flickr: Post pictures of the market. Show people what is there for them to purchase, or to do.
3. Twitter: Updates about the farmers market.
4. Blogs: Just what I am doing now. Can discuss anything about the markets, farmers, the corporations. Blogs can be very useful for getting facts to the people about this issue.
5. YouTube: Post videos from the farmers market, interviews and just the general scene.
Good website to find out where you can buy organic food or foods without and chemicals used in the growing process.
Trailer for the movie
Site for Winter Park Farmers Market